Foxrush Toast Of The Town (imp.  UK)

Rocheby Toast Master -  SH CH Foxrush Ovaltine 

 Саймон  сочетает в себе крови двух известных и заслуженных  английских  питомников ROCHEBY  и  FOXRUSH

Rocheby Toast Master


 Rocheby  Reed Spinner

SH CH Lindall Redemption
 SH CH Rocheby  Spunsilk 

Rocheby Softly Spoken

Rocheby Old Smokey
Rocheby Tiara

Foxrush Ovaltine

Rocheby Old Smokey

 Rocheby Navy Blue
SH CH  Rocheby Polkadot 

Foxrush Giselle 

SH CH Sandylands Gad -About
SH CH Foxrush Blue Velvet 

Его мать - блистательная  SH CH Foxrush Ovaltine, дочка одного из лучших производителей породы Rocheby Old Smokey  и внучка не менее влиятельного SH CH Sandylands Gad -About.

Отец -Rocheby Toast Master также является внуком  Rocheby Old Smokey и SH CH Lindall Redemption. 

Таким образом, по линии  и отца и матери  в родословной  Саймона  присутствует влиятельнейшая  SH CH  Rocheby Polkadot 

Rocheby Toast Master
Rocheby Toast Master
SH CHFoxrush Ovaltine
SH CHFoxrush Ovaltine

Наша красавица LibraD'Or Mercedes  - (Rocheby Golddigger - LibraD'Or Must Have at Rocheby) является   внучкой Foxrush Touch of Class,  сестры-однопомётницы Саймона.  

О питомнике  ROCHEBY,  его истории и достижениях, можно  прочесть в ИНТЕРВЬЮ  МАРИОН &ДЕВИД ХОПКИНСОН

Дружественный питомник FOXRUSH на протяжении долгих лет тесно сотрудничает с питомником ROCHEBY.

Небольшой рассказ    Judith Charlton о истории  питомника  "FOXRUSH"  

The kennel was founded in 1968 with a yellow bitch from the late Gwen Broadley, called Foxrush Sandylands Gaytime. From her first litter came Foxrush Bo-Peep (Res. C.C.) Until I retired from business 10 years ago few litters were bred at Foxrush, but, puppies bought in proved highly successful.

The first made into a full Champion was Ch. Croftspa Charlotte of Foxrush, by Sandylands Charlie Boy out of Ch. Sandylands Geannie.

Then came Sh. Ch. Croftspa Hazelnut of Foxrush, she was by Sh. Ch. Ardmargha Madhatter out of Foxrush Caprice of Croftspa, she had a spectacular show career, winning 45 C.C.'s and 15 Res. C.C.'s.

Foxrush Peach Blossom
Sh Ch Foxrush Peach Blossom (Poolstead Pretentious of Rocheby - Foxrush Charisma )
Croftspa Hazelnut of Foxrush
Sh Ch Croftspa Hazelnut of Foxrush (Sh. Ch. (Ardmargha Madhatter -Foxrush Caprice of Croftspa),

She died in 1996 and at that time she was the Breed Record Holder. A home bred litter produced Foxrush Carousel who gained 2 C.C.'s and then met with an accident.

I imported a yellow bitch from Norway who soon gained her title, Ch. Aditis Becky of Foxrush. She was related to a dog I exported, Norwegian Ch. Foxrush Pioneer. Becky won a total of 4 C.C.'s.

Sh. Ch. Foxrush Peach Blossom was born in 1991, by Poolstead Pretentious of Rocheby out of Foxrush Charisma (1 C.C.). In all she won a total of 13 C.C.'s and 7 Res. C.C.'s.

The yellow dog SH. CH. Foxrush Prime Suspect was made up in 1998. He has 4 C.C.'s all with best of breed and 4 Res. C.C.'s.

In 2002 SH. CH. Foxrush Blue Sapphire gained her title (She now has 5 C.C.'s.).

In 2006 SH. CH. Foxrush Giselle became another Foxrush bred Champion.


 Foxrush champions live in U.S.A, Australia, Sweden, Belgium, Italy, Iceland and Spain.

Foxrush Prime Suspect
Foxrush Prime Suspect
Foxrush Giselle
Foxrush Giselle

Foxrush Blue Sapphire
SH CH Foxrush Blue Sapphire
Foxrush Blue Velvet (Rocheby Navy Blue -Sh. Ch. Foxrush Peach Blossom )
Foxrush Blue Velvet (Rocheby Navy Blue -Sh. Ch. Foxrush Peach Blossom )

In 2009 SH. CH. Foxrush Ovaltine, J.W. gained her title after being Top Puppy in Breed. 2010 started with a new champion for the Foxrush Kennel, SH. CH. Sretlaw Spring Connection

with Foxrush.

2011 was a very successful year with Foxrush Rebecca J.W. and Foxrush Ragtrade J.W. They won many BP in breed at Championship Shows culminating with Becky winning Best Puppy in show at the Yellow Labrador Club.

Foxrush Rebecca J.W. was Best Puppy in breed at Crufts 2012.

My new homebred puppy Foxrush Remember The Time J.W. shown for the first time in June won Best Puppy in show at The Labrador Retriever Championship Show and has continued winning BP at Championship Shows, gaining her Junior Warrant at 8 months.

In 2013 Foxrush Remember the Time, J.W. gained her Sh. Ch. Title at 13 months, and was Res CC winner at Crufts.

Best in Show at theYellow Labrador Championship Show, and gaining her J.W. in record time.

 Classical Act at Foxrush, the latest Puppy to be shown, was Best Puppy in Show at Three Ridings Labrador Club Championship Show and Best Puppy at Crufts 2018.

Foxrush Ovaltine
SH CH Foxrush Ovaltine (Rocheby Old Smokey -Sh Ch Foxrush Gissele)

I was honoured to be invited to judge Labradors at CRUFTS in 1997, I have also officiated at the Labrador Retriever Club and Yellow Labrador Club Championship Shows. Judging has taken me to all corners of the world (U.S.A, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Phillipines, Russia and Ukraine and many other European Countries). I also use the KC/BVA Health Schemes.

The Foxrush Show Team is continuing their success at Championship Shows. Foxrush Time to Shine, J.W. going Best in Show at theYellow Labrador Championship Show,and gaining her J.W. in record time.


Classical Act at Foxrush, the latest Puppy to be shown, was Best Puppy in Show at Three Ridings Labrador Club Championship Show and Best Puppy at Crufts 2018.

Лабрадоры Foxrush в России и на Украине

Одной из первых представительниц питомника  Judith Charlton в России была импортированная Светланой Лукашовой (п-к  Capas Spirit )    1999г. палевая

Foxrush Silk Copy (Guideline`s Copyright - Watermere Bobby Sox To Foxrush), внучка Rocheby Royal Oak.

В 2001 году в питомнике Capas Spirit появилась черная Foxrush Goody Two Shoes (SH CH  Sandylands Gad-About- Sh Ch Foxrush Blue Sapphire)


  Foxrush Blue Sapphire -дочка Rocheby Navy Blue   и Sh Ch  Foxrush Peash Blossom.

О них  Judith Charlton рассказывает в небольшой  статье о своём питомнике.


Foxrush Silk Сopy
Foxrush Silk Сopy Guideline`s Copyright - Watermere Bobby Sox To Foxrush)
Foxrush Goody Two Shoes
Foxrush Goody Two Shoes ( Sandylands Gad-About- Sh Ch Foxrush Blue Sapphire

Foxrush Fan Fare ( Ahti Aspen Of Finnwoods  -Foxrush Delilah) был привезен в Россию в 2005г .

Его отец  Ahti Aspen Of Finnwoods (Miskey)   прославился своим сыном,  Show Champion Silver Suede Over Rocheby

(о  истории появления Ahti Aspen Of Finnwoods в питомнике Rocheby  и  его вкладе в развитие новых  линий Чемпионов  можно прочесть в 

ИНТЕРВЬЮ Марион&Девид Хопкинсон 


Lindall Redemption
Lindall Redemption

Когда  Judith Charlton  в год королевской свадьбы  принца Уильяма и Кэтрин Миддлтон,   запланировала  вязку   SH CH Foxrush Ovaltine JW с популярным   на то время  производителем , черным    SH CH Lindall Redemption (Lindall Court Masterpiece- Lindall Will She)  , российские заводчицы были в числе первых, кому был предоставлен  выбор щенков.

В результате из 10-ти  рожденных в этом помёте щенков  2 прилетели   в Россию ( Foxrush Raffles и   красавица Foxrush  Royal Wedding),     Foxrush Robin Hood - приехал на Украину.



Foxrush Raffles  (вл. С.Лукашова, п-к Capas Spirit)
Foxrush Raffles (вл. С.Лукашова, п-к Capas Spirit)
Foxrush Robin Hood
Foxrush Robin Hood (вл. Н.Харенко, Киев)

Foxrush  Royal Wedding
Foxrush Royal Wedding (вл. Е.Коновалова, п-к"Amorozza")
Foxrush Rebecca
Foxrush Rebecca

Палевая   Foxrush Rebecca и   черный Foxrush   Ragtrade JW остались в питомнике.


 Превосходная Foxrush Rebecca стала одной из основных  производительниц , как и  ещё одна дочь Демпси  Foxrush Remember The Time ( SH CH Lindall Redemption - Foxrush Scarlet O'Hara JW)

Foxrush Remember The Time
Foxrush Remember The Time ( SH CH Lindall Redemption - Foxrush Scarlet O'Hara JW)
Foxrush Ragtrade
Foxrush Ragtrade (SH CH Lindall Redemption-SH CH Foxrush Ovaltine)

Foxrush Shine On
Foxrush Shine On

 Палевый  Оскар  ,  сын Foxrush Rebecca ,  живет в в Иркутске, в питомнике Solventus 

Foxrush Shine On (Rocheby State Occasion - Foxrush Rebecca)